Carmel Police Station Addition
In response to three decades of population growth, the City of Carmel invested $40 million to modernize and expand the Carmel Police headquarters. KBSO Consulting provided specialized mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and technology (MEPT) design services to facilitate the centralization of law enforcement and judicial services for the city. Special design considerations included the addition of a modern Crime Scene Investigation (CSI) lab and a new home for the city court. Security infrastructure for the facility includes a secure elevator system, a sally port, holding cells, and processing rooms. The building expansion features a highly efficient water-cooled variable refrigerant flow (VRF) system, critical controls for pressure-sensitive CSI areas, rooms equipped for defense tactics training, and technology upgrades throughout the facility. In addition, a diesel generator provides backup electricity, allowing continued operations through power outages. KBSO Consulting is proud to have contributed our design services as the City of Carmel provides judicial and law enforcement services for generations to come.
- Approximately 74,000 square feet
- Project Completed: 2024
Design Architect: Studio M Architecture and Planning
Rendering provided by Studio M Architecture and Planning
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